Lessons from Top Artificial Intelligence Keynote Speakers
We are living in one of the most exciting times in human history. We are entering what is being called the Age of Artificial Intelligence. And more and more global conferences are bringing in top artificial intelligence keynote speakers to help individuals and organizations understand what this all means.
This new age of Artificial Intelligence will transform almost every aspect of our personal and work lives.
You see in over the next 20 years Artificial Intelligence, robots and automation will replace 47% of existing jobs. And there is one skill you and the people you care about need to develop in order to survive and thrive in this new age. The good news is that you already have this skill - my job is to help you understand how you can develop it. So what is this skill?
In this episode, you'll learn:
- Lessons from Top Artificial Intelligence Keynote Speakers
- The effect of artificial intelligence, automation and robots on jobs
- What jobs will artificial intelligence replace
- Hans Moravec
- Landscape of Human Competence
- Patrick Schwerdtfeger
- Rohit Talwar
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We are living in one of the most exciting times in human history. We are entering what is being called the Age of Artificial Intelligence. And more and more global conferences are bringing in top artificial intelligence keynote speakers to help individuals and organizations understand what this all means.
This new age of Artificial Intelligence will transform almost every aspect of our personal and work lives.
You see in over the next 20 years Artificial Intelligence, robots and automation will replace 47% of existing jobs. And there is one skill you and the people you care about need to develop in order to survive and thrive in this new age. The good news is that you already have this skill - my job is to help you understand how you can develop it. So what is this skill? Creativity.
It’s easy to think that our jobs will never be replaced by an Artificial Intelligence. “No machine can do what I do” you may say.
And in the short term you might be right. You see any human given enough training time can get pretty good at learning a new skill, language, sport or job. If we compare the intelligence of humans and machines today, we humans win hands-down on breadth or general intelligence, while machines outperform us in a small but growing number of narrow domains.
I’m often brought in to keynote at conferences of lawyers, doctors, CEO’s and engineers. These are super smart people. And initially they believe that technologies like AI, robots and automation will never replace them. Sure, if your job consists of screwing in widgets all day or data processing then it might be at risk, but surely not jobs that require higher levels of skill. Not white collar jobs….
But you’d be wrong. In a latest study here are some jobs at risk from being replaced by AI:
Taxi Drivers - 89% chance of automation
Bookkeeper - 98% chance of automation
Accountants - 94% chance of automation
Marketer or Marketing Analyst - 61% chance of automation
Hans Moravec, Professor of Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University said:
“Computers are universal machines, their potential extends uniformly over a boundless expanse of tasks. Human potentials, on the other hand, are strong in areas long important for survival, but weak in things far removed. Imagine a “landscape of human competence,” having lowlands with labels like “arithmetic” and “rote memorization”, foothills like “theorem proving” and “chess playing,” and high mountain peaks labeled “locomotion,” “hand-eye coordination” and “social interaction.” We all live in the solid mountaintops, but it takes great effort to reach the rest of the terrain, and only a few of us work each patch.”
Advancing computation, artificial intelligence and automation is like water slowly flooding the landscape. A half century ago it began to drown the lowlands, driving out human calculators and record clerks, but leaving most of us dry. Now this flood has reached the foothills, and those at those outposts are contemplating retreat and trying to get to higher ground. We feel safe on our peaks, but, at the present rate, those too will be submerged within another half century.”
Moravec proposed that we build Arks as that day of machines achieving general intelligence nears. He agrues that we should all be adopting a seafaring life. And the best Ark you can build is one that has a robust hull that will weather the economic, political and social changes caused by distruptive innovation.
At the core of that is developing your creativity skills. Creativity is that most human of skills that machines struggle with. It’s also the reason why the World Economic Forum says that Creativity will be the third most important job skill by 2020.
So it’s no wonder why creativity experts like myself and top artificial intelligence keynote speakers, such as my friends Patrick Schwerdtfeger and Rohit Talwar, are in such demand for global conferences.
If you’d like to learn how to maximize your own creativity then you go to www.jamestaylor.me for my free Creativity Blueprint video training series.
And if you’d like me to speak about artificial intelligence and creativity at your next conference, sales meeting or summit the head over to www.jamestaylor.me/speaking
Thanks for watching.