CL072: Thomas Lang on learning how to practise

In this episode of The Creative Life Podcast Los Angeles based session drummer and drum educator Thomas Lang talks about learning how to practise and structure an effective practise routine. Thomas discusses the importance of patience, the dangers of "fame by proxy", and why its worth learning how to practise even before you learn how to play.

"Practising is for tweaking, adjusting and learning new things. Playing is applying what you’ve already practised.” – Thomas Lang

 Thomas Lang's 'Learning How To Practise' Show Notes:

  • Structuring practise as a learned skill, method and goals
  • Thomas' Practise Rules
  • Being patient
  • Resilience, grit and passion
  • Music is play
  • Working independently for your own career
  • Thomas Lang Drumming Boot Camp
  • Creating something out of nothing
  • Social media and connecting with people

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