The Most Important Soft Skills Needed In The 2020’s

The Most Important Soft Skills Needed In The 2020's

In today's episode of the James Taylor Show, we talk about the most important soft skills needed in the 2020's

Artificial Intelligence Generated Transcript

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This is me. I was brought up in Scotland, a land of castles, golf, whiskey, Braveheart.

As a child, my parents would send me to walk up the summits of the mountains near where we lived dressed in a kilt.

Now, if you don't know what a kilt is, a kilt is a traditional dress, or a skirt that a Scotsman wears.

So, imagine for a second walking up these huge mountains in the rain, and the wind, and the snow while wearing a skirt.

My parents thought it built character and resilience in me. The reason I tell you this story is you can think of this, the changes we're going through

in this fourth Industrial Revolution like a landscape that's slowly being flooded.  But this is a landscape of human skills or competencies. In the Lowlands, we have skills like arithmetic, memorization.

In the Foothills you have skills like logic, chess-playing. And then the high mountain peaks we have skills like emotional intelligence, critical thinking, resilience.

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