How To Make Creative Decisions

How to make creative decisions

There are points in our lives when we need to make creative decisions, when we need to cut off one option to take up another. Making a creative decision can be like facing a crossroad and so how do we decide which road to go down? In this episode of The Creative Life TV Show, […]

How To Sell Your Art

How to sell your art

In this episode of The Creative Life TV Show I look at how to sell your art and the importance of listening. Most artists hate having to personally sell their art but there is a non-salesy way to get people to buy your creative work. Watch the Video Please leave a comment below and tell […]

Are You Creative?

Do you consider and identify yourself as being a creative? In a recent study by Adobe they found that only 39% worldwide identified themselves as being creative. I work with great experts to create online courses, retreats, workshops and live events. Something I have noticed from the attendees, is that they often want to get back […]

The Three Brainstorming Techniques That Work

brainstorming techniques

In many organizations they use brainstorming techniques to help them generate new ideas. Here are some ideas to ensure that those brainstorming sessions are better and are more effective for you and your organization. Watch the Video Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think. Sponsors The Creative Life Newsletter […]

Why Do We Get Our Best Ideas In The Shower?

Why do we get our best ideas in the shower? In the morning your brain is half awake and half asleep, you are quite relaxed in that way and more open to unconventional thoughts. The alpha waves are rippling through your brain and your attention is often focused inwards. Some other people also get their […]