Journeying Through 52 Countries: James Taylor’s Year in Review
As 2011 draws to a close I decided to sit down and take a couple of minutes to review what has been a pretty interesting
As 2011 draws to a close I decided to sit down and take a couple of minutes to review what has been a pretty interesting
Bhutan has always been one of those countries that has interested me ever since I heard that the King said he’d rather have Gross National Happiness than Gross National Product for his people. Linda Leaming’s new book ‘Married to Bhutan’ (affiliate link) tells her fascinating story of how she went on a vacation to Bhutan and never came back. In the process she got married, did lots of interesting things and in her words ‘found bliss’.
If you have a business you’d like to sell at some point in the future or are even considering starting your first business you’ve got to check out ‘Built to Sell: Creating a business that can thrive without you’ by John Warrillow (affiliate link).
If you only ever buy one book about marketing make it Al Ries and Jack Trout’s ‘The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing’ (affiliate link) and my video book review explains why.
For me ‘Meditations’ by Marcus Aurelius is perhaps the single most influential book on my thinking and so I was delighted when the academic Frank McLynn published his biography of the Roman philosopher-emperor called ‘Marcus Aurelius – A Life’
James is a top motivational keynote speaker who is booked as a creativity and innovation keynote speaker, AI speaker, sustainability speaker and leadership speaker. Recent destinations include: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Orlando, Las Vegas, keynote speaker London, Barcelona, Bangkok, Miami, Berlin, Riyadh, New York, Zurich, motivational speaker Paris, Singapore and San Francisco
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