The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout
If you only ever buy one book about marketing make it Al Ries and Jack Trout’s ‘The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing’ (affiliate link) and my video book review explains why.
If you only ever buy one book about marketing make it Al Ries and Jack Trout’s ‘The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing’ (affiliate link) and my video book review explains why.
Just finished re-reading Viktor Frankl’s ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ (affiliate link) for the third time and have filmed this book review for you to watch.
I’ve been wanting to start filming book reviews for a while now because many of my friends know that I’m a voratious reader of business, marketing, politics and self-improvement books and are always asking me for recommendations. So the first of my video book reviews is about Michael Gerber’s ‘E-Myth Revisited’
James is a top motivational keynote speaker who is booked as a creativity and innovation keynote speaker, AI speaker, sustainability speaker and leadership speaker. Recent destinations include: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Orlando, Las Vegas, keynote speaker London, Barcelona, Bangkok, Miami, Berlin, Riyadh, New York, Zurich, motivational speaker Paris, Singapore and San Francisco
© 2025 James Taylor DBA P3 Music Ltd.