Happy Thanksgiving 2010
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc1Ijay0I3U] UN World Food Programme Samaritans UK? Thanks James?
Trouble at Lib Dem HQ?
Tomorrow will see student protests happening in Edinburgh culminating in a demonstration at Scottish Liberal Democrat HQ in Edinburgh. I truly hope that the demonstration will pass off without violence or damage to property but reading the Facebook page created for the event leaves me a little worried. The organisers of the event say […]
It’s a sin that people fail to take up work
‘It’s a sin that people fail to take up work’. So says Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith in today’s Guardian. While I think that language is not helpful and simplifies a complicated area I do agree that work should always pay and that you should be better off in work than out of […]
It turns out I’m Left-wing!
Just read a blog post by Labour’s Tom Harris where he took a test to see where he sat on a political spectrum and thought I’d give it a try. If you had asked me before I would have said I was in the Economic Liberal camp. Well if this test is to be believed […]
Labour’s Phil Woolas found guilty
My first recollection of Phil Woolas was him looking sheepish as he took a grilling from Joanna Lumley on the issue of Gurkha rights. I remember thinking then that he looked sleekit (that’s crafty or sly to my non-Scottish readers). So it was with just a little bit of pleasure that today two High Court […]