Campaigning & Shoes
I have been quiet on the blogging front for a little while now as I’ve been busy with Lib Dem campaigning and doing some post-election door-knocking. One of the wisest quotes I ever heard was from an old farmer friend who told me that the two most important things in life were a good pair […]
It’s not What you believe, it’s Why you believe it
I’ve been following the Labour party leadership contest recently and I’ve been trying to put my finger on why none of the candidates are particuarly inspiring. The answer came from a video I’ve just watched by anthropologist Simon Sinek at a recent TED conference where he talks about a model for inspirational leadership. Balls, Milliband, […]
Lib Dems go down the aisle with Tories
As a Lib Dem Westminster candidate I’ve been quiet while the negotiations have been underway because coalition talks tend not to lend themselves to the 24hr news cycle and an information vaccuum. My natural inclinations were towards a Progressive Alliance but you do what you can with the hand you are dealt and the electorate […]
The Wisdom of the Electorate
As a Westminster Lib Dem candidate there is no denying that the election results were disappointing. Willie Rennie losing his seat in Dunfermline and Kevin Lang failing to gain Edinburgh North & Leith were particular lows for me, while seeing our increase in the proportion of the vote and holding the balance of power provided […]
Don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be different