Climate Change Justice

While in London last week I had the opportunity to attend a talk at the RSA by David Weisbach, Kearney Professor of Law & Economics at University of Chicago on the subject of Climate Change Justice.  I am perhaps a rarity in the Liberal Democrats because although I do think that climate change is very […]

What the Lib Dems can learn from Apple

A political party is nothing more than an idea.  Ideas that spread are more likely to succeed than not.  People often mistakenly think Apple is a technology company, it’s not, it’s a design company that makes technology.  Its primary purpose is to create designs that are stylish, easy to use and cool while this manifests […]

Why the coalition is an affair and not a marriage

The media and Tory/Lib Dem government would have you believe that the current coalition is a marriage, indeed David Cameron refers to it as a civil partnership.  However I would argue that this is the wrong metaphor and what we are really looking at is an affair by two consenting parties. A marriage or civil […]

SNP puts Independence on Ice

It it with some interest that I noticed in The Times this week that Alex Salmond confirmed rumours that first came to light last month about the SNP’s stance on Scottish Independence.  Following the poor results for the SNP at the Westminster election they are clearly rattled and Salmond has put Independence on ice in […]

What A Week!

This week has been one of the most intense, creative and rewarding weeks of my life.  It was a week three passions in my life, politics, music and business, were all in play and I got to test myself in all three areas. On Monday I attended the Liberal Democrats Policy Roadshow in Edinburgh where […]