Neil Mullarkey is a comedian who uses his improv skills to inspire business people to embrace their creativity and enhance their communication skills. 32 years ago Neil co-founded the world famous improvisation group The Comedy Store Players with Mike Myers and chances are you’ll have seen Neil perform on TV shows including Have I Got News For You, Whose Line Is It Anyway, QI or the Austin Powers movies.
Today however you are more likely to find him working with a string of prestigious clients including Unilever, Deloitte, Microsoft or advertising giant WPP. He’s become synonymous with bringing the agility and innovation of improvisation into the board rooms and sales teams of some of the world’s biggest organizations.
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In this episode, you'll learn:
- Footlights
- Working With Mike Myers
- Comedy Store Players
- Desmond Morris
- Listening With Intent
- Breaking Down Corporate Silos
- Follow The Follower
- Agile Management
- "Yes, and"
- HIPPO (Highest Paid Person's Opinion)
- John Cleese on Creativity (Open and Closed Mode)
- Ashridge Holt Business School
- Resistance to Change
- Walking Down The Road Exercise
- Paul Plsek of
- The Definition of Creativity
- Creatio ex Materia
- Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind by Guy Glaxton
- Default Mode Network (DMN)
- Keith Grint
- Headspace for Improv

Resources mentioned in this episode:
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