One Nice Thing About Touring
Touring as a musician in 2010 has its downside, what with airport security, visas, bad food, late nights and early starts. However apart from the enjoyment of the shows themselves and meeting lots of cool people one nice aspect is finding yourself in interesting places. This week I played a show at the Eden Court […]
Funky Thursday – Only So Much Oil In The Ground
Chris Huhne yesterday spoke about the thousands of new green jobs that are going to be created over the coming years. In Scotland alone they are talking of 48,000 jobs being created by 2020. So in recognition of the country slowly weaning itself off fossil fuels I thought a little Tower of Power was in […]
Great summer driving music
I’ve been doing a fair amount of driving over the past couple of weeks and have used the time to check out some new music. Really impressed by Lady Antebellum’s new album ‘Need You Down’ even if it is a country album. Driving through the hills, glens and lochs of Scotland in the summer sun […]
Interview with James Taylor on BBC
Haven’t been blogging much of late but thought I would put up an interview I did for BBC Radio Scotland. I’m interviewed by Penny Junor who was formerly a speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher. She’s also written books on John Major, Cliff Richard, Richard Burton and Eric Clapton. In the interview I talk about growing up […]
Glasgow Jazz Festival
Just had a very enjoyable couple of days playing drums with Martin Taylor’s Spirit of Django in Scotland. Our first show was in the pretty Victoria town of Strathpeffer and we were treated to some fabulous Highland hospitality by friends Duncan & Joan Kennedy. On Thursday night we played a sell-out show at Glasgow’s Old […]