In this episode of The Creative Life Podcast I talk with author and publisher Lou Aronica about the process of writing your first book.
Lou Aronica has thirty-five years of high-level experience in the book business. He was Publisher of two of the industry’s largest imprints, Avon Books and Berkley Books, and Deputy Publisher of a third, Bantam Books. As a writer, he is the author of twenty-four books, including the New York Times nonfiction bestsellers The Element and Finding Your Element (with Sir Ken Robinson). In addition to this he has authored nonfiction national bestsellers The Culture Code (with Clotaire Rapaille), the USA Today bestselling novel The Forever Year, and the national bestselling novel Blue. Lou is also former president of Novelists Inc and is President and Publisher of The Story Plant and Fiction Studio Books.
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In this episode, you'll learn:
- The evolving book business
- Moving beyond writing as a living
- Developing stories for other people
- Collaborating on a book
- Writing with Sir Ken Robinson
- Organizing your book idea
- Success or No Success Model
- Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley
- The novel 'Blue'
- The Importance of Caring

Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen
- The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy
- Lou Aronica Website
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