Keynote Speaker in Bologna
I'm in Bologna just now and this is an exhibition celebrating the jazz music of Bologna and the jazz musicians of Bologna.
Bologna Creative Place
Bologna is an incredibly creative place and it's also the home of Lucio Dalla, and we're gonna go to his home in just a minute.
Let me give you a little guided tour.
Standing outside here of the home of the great Italian songwriter artist, Lucio Dalla, in fact, this house is owned by the foundation of Lucio Dalla, and they still keep it preserved so you guys should go in there and you can see where he worked and where he created his music. He had a record label in that building these record labels are based there as well. Now, I always think about Lucio Dalla if you don't know him, go and check out the authentic Dalla music. He wrote a famous song called Caruso. Caruso tells a story about the great opera singer Caruso, an Italian opera singer, who goes to America. Then he comes back to Italy and he spends the final weeks and months of his life in the southwest thinking Naples or Capri or somewhere down there, Sicily maybe. And it tells the story of him reminiscing about his life as an artist and his legacy. And so Caruso became this very, very famous song written about the singer Caruso that Lucio Dalla wrote, but what I find fantastic about any great idea or piece of art, is that song has gone on to be covered by multiple artists in multiple different ways. I think one of my favorites is David Foster's work with a great singer, an Italian singer she did a Canadian singer she's an amazing version of I'll put some links here as well. So that's the thing, some things you create something for one reason, maybe to put out yourself as your own work, but someone kind of takes it and puts their spin and add their creativity to it as well. So check out the work of Lucio Dalla fantastic songwriter Caruso is one of the greatest songs ever written.
Keynote Speaker in Bologna
I'm in the innovation lab here in Bologna, actually in plaid salt and bath to echo in this lovely building just off Piazza Maggiore. And one of the things I really liked here is that you have this exhibition here for all the different kinds of projects that the city has been doing to improve the quality of life for people here. And they talk about the different types of materials the place was like before what it was like after, how they improved how they innovated in different ways all the different cards you can take one of these cards can learn more about how Liberal government here in Bologna, improve the lives of the citizens.
Good evening from Bologna, James Taylor is here keynote speaker on creativity, innovation, and future trends.
Sustainability Keynote Speaker
Metaverse Keynote Speaker