CL031: Jinsop Lee on design thinking, creative cultures, and reimagining the lightbulb

Jinsop Lee is an industrial designer, teacher and speaker and his TED talk on the 5 Senses Approach to design thinking has been watched by over 1.3million people. Jinsop's design background began at age five when his mother refused to buy him a Star Wars X-wing fighter - so he designed his own out of Lego. Following university, a 2 year stint in the Korean army, and a job as a ‘suit-wearing design consultant’ as he calls it, he founded his own design firm ‘Uncle Oswald Is My Hero’. Nita Song, President at IW Group says "With creativity and enthusiasm, Jinsop Lee offers a new approach to problem-solving. By focusing on consumer needs first, his method delivers solutions that engage customers' hearts, minds and souls."

In this episode of The Creative Life Podcast, Jinsop talks about consulting for a lighting company that is doing something different with light. He tells us about the big changes and creative use of lighting. He also shares with us what 'Design Thinking' is.

"Design is, you're coming up with solutions to problems and it's possible that these problems are in any field, but you're just approaching it from a designer's mentality. "

- Jinsop Lee

Jinsop Lee 'Design Thinking' Show Notes:

  • Reimagining lighting design (3:11)
  • Nest (4:30)
  • Design thinking (6:22)
  • Thinking about the end user (7:56)
  • The Swiss army knife for the digital age (9:30)
  • Five senses of approach to design (11:00)
  • What makes sex great (11:31)
  • The lightbulb moment (11:40)
  • Using your sense of smell to tell the time (12:46)
  • Singapore Airlines 'Floridian Waters'(16:19)
  • Sherlock Holmes the superhero (20:30)
  • Creativity in different cultures (23:43)
  • Creative blocks and how Jinsop deals with them (28:07)

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