CL257: Futurism, Innovation And Space Beer – Interview with Jeremy Gutsche

Jeremy Gutsche

Futurism, Innovation And Space Beer - Interview with Jeremy Gutsche

Jeremy Gutsche, MBA, CFA, is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning innovation expert, sought-after keynote speaker, and the CEO of Trend Hunter, the world's #1 innovation website with 200,000 idea hunters and 3 billion views from 150,000,000 visitors. Prior to Trend Hunter, Jeremy grew a $1 billion portfolio for a bank, and today, over 600 brands and CEOs rely on his speeches including Google, Disney, Starbucks, Netflix, Coca-Cola, and IBM. He's even helped NASA prototype the Journey to Mars. He has been described as an "intellectual can of Red Bull” and his latest book is called CREATE THE FUTURE: Tactics for Disruptive Thinking.


Jeremy Gutsche

In this episode, we cover:

Jeremy Gutsche

  • 3:57 - A fascination for innovation
  • 4:19 - Innovation exercises
  • 4:47 - Corporate innovation
  • 5:59 - Disruptive innovation
  • 6:56 - Path dependency
  • 7:24 - The 7 Traps
  • 9:02 - Qwerty vs Dvorak keyboards
  • 11:02 - Timing
  • 11:14 - Universities going online
  • 12:00 - Smith Corona
  • 13:29 - What is the hard problem you are trying to solve?
  • 14:32 - Breaking the problem apart
  • 17:00 - Innovation workshops
  • 17:33 - How to go to Mars
  • 18:22 - Co-creating the future
  • 19:44 - Space beer
  • 21:01 - Trend hunting vs Trend farming

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