Jason Kotecki is an artist, author, and speaker who considers himself a professional reminder-er and permission granter. His mission is to demonstrate how the secrets of childhood are timeless and through his work he shares real-world strategies and practical ideas for driving innovation, preventing burnout, and achieving new levels of productivity. His is the co-founder of Escape Adulthood which seeks to help people escape from adulthood and annihilate Adultitis.
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In this episode, you'll learn:
- Escape Adulthood Adventure Club
- How to become an artist
- Getting a literary agent
- Publishing vs Self-Publishing
- What is Adultist?
- Being childlike and curious
- Opening and Closing Keynotes
- Tinkering vs Innovation
- Authenticity
- Comparison
- Choosing the right bait

Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Evernote
- Coffitivity
- The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
- Ed Sheeran
- EscapeAdulthood.com/Insider
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