Ever wanted to write your first book? Then you'll love this episode of The Creative Life Podcast with writing coach Honorée Corder.
Honorée Corder is the author of 20 books, including You Must Write A Book, Vision to Reality, Tall Order, The Successful Single Mom book series, and The Divorced Phoenix. She is also Hal Elrod's business partner in The Miracle Morning book series, which has been a huge hit. Honorée coaches business professionals, writers, and aspiring non-fiction authors who want to publish their books to bestseller status, create a platform, and develop multiple streams of income. She also does all sorts of other magical things, and her badassery is legendary!
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In this episode, you'll learn:
Writing your first book in 3 days
Building your list
LinkedIn for writers
The Successful Single Mom
Evergreen book marketing
- Goodreads
- Learning to say 'no'
21 books + 7 Miracle Morning series books
Thinking about a series of books as opposed to just one book
Mark Victor Hansen story
Getting the confidence to write that first book
Major publisher vs self-publishing
Successful book marketing strategies

Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Evernote
- Slack
- Tchaikovsky - Classics for Kids
- The Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill
- Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins
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