Denise Jacobs is a speaker, author and creativity evangelist who keynotes conferences and consults with tech companies worldwide. As the founder and CEO of The Creative Dose, she teaches game-changing techniques for busting through creative blocks, cultivating collaboration, and up-leveling creative productivity. Denise's workshops and trainings help unlock creativity in individuals, teams, and workplaces. A web and tech industry veteran, Denise is the author of the upcoming book Banish Your Inner Critic (available January 2017), The CSS Detective Guide and co-author of the Smashing Book #3 1/3 and Interact with Web Standards. She is also the founder of Rawk The Web and the Head Instigator of The Creativity (R)Evolution.
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In this episode, you'll learn:
- Being clear in your intentions
- Deciding on becoming a speaker
- Preparing a TED Talk in 24 hours
- Creativity workshop exercises
- Applied improvisation for teaching creativity
- String of pearls exercise
- Lisa Nichols

Resources mentioned in this episode:
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