Professional Services

James Taylor helps leading law firm imagine new client centred experiences

Thorntons is one of Scotland’s top 4 independent law firms, providing expert legal advice on a comprehensive range of services for individuals, families and businesses alike. They are a progressive and ambitious full-service law firm and pride themselves on delivering high quality, practical advice together with exceptional client care. 

Following a recommendation by the firm’s Chairman, the Managing Partner invited James Taylor to be the keynote speaker at their Annual General Meeting. The theme of the event would be around collaboration and client-centricity. The objective for James’ presentation was to inspire and energise the firm’s Partners as well as the Directors in the IT, Risk, Marketing, Finance, Estates, Innovation and People functions. It was about getting the whole team to think bigger and imagine new ways of collaborating to deliver greater value. 

In addition to the pre-event calls with the client he was also given access to the clients strategy documents and researched some of the broader industry changes affecting UK legal firms like Thorntons. It was then decided that the overarching theme of the keynote would be ‘creative collaboration’ and the focus would be on sharing stories, frameworks and actionable insights on how the firm could stay relevant and improve client-centricity through human+human and human+machine collaboration. The final part of the keynote shared next steps the Partners and Directors could take in improving collaboration and designing a work environment that fostered creativity, innovation and agility. 

James Taylor’s final keynote blended inspiration with relevant case studies on how professional service firms in the law, finance, accounting and creative industries are applying the latest collaboration, innovation and client experience strategies and techniques.


One of Scotland’s top four independent law firms.


Partners and Directors




To build a culture of creative collaboration within the firm

James Taylor’s Solution:

  • 45 minute virtual keynote + 15min Q&A

James Taylor’s Solution:

  • The audience were inspired by fresh insights on collaboration and client centered experiences.
  • James Taylor’s engaging keynote supported the Managing Partner’s future vision for the business.