Machiavelli – Ends and Means
Machiavelli – Ends and Means INTRODUCTION “Cause and effect, means and ends, seed and fruit cannot be severed; for the effect already blooms in the cause, the end preexists in the means, the fruit in the seed”– Ralph Waldo Emerson In discussing whether the end justifies the means I plan to spend as much time […]
Gene-Machine Darwinism & Genuine Altruism
1.Introduction This essay will look at the truth of the conditional statement of “if gene-machine Darwinism is true then none of us displays genuine altruism”. I will first need to define what is meant by both the terms “gene-machine Darwinism” and “genuine altruism” in order to clarify the premises that the support my conclusion. The […]
Peter Singer A Case For Animal Rights
Peter Singer – A Case For Animal Rights 1.Is Eating Meat Wrong? TV programs by celebrity chefs such as Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall have introduced a new generation to the concept of animal rights and made the public reflect on eating meat and their relationship to animals in general. Academic philosopher, Peter Singer is […]
John Locke’s Irrationality Argument
John Locke’s “Irrationality Argument” stems from his “A Letter Concerning Toleration”, first published in 1689. The main thrust of the letter is Locke’s argument that religious intolerance by Christians is both unchristian and irrational. The latter “irrationality argument” is arguably the most important argument contained within the letter because while John Stuart Mill’s work focused […]