The Best Creativity Books

I love reading books about creativity, the creative process and how we generate and develop new ideas.

I read a lot of books and I have put together some of my Top 10 creativity books. Here are some of the creativity books from my list:

In this episode of The Creative Life TV Show, I put together a 'give away' where you could win my Top 10 creativity books. All you have to do is go to

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When I talk to creative people and ask them to describe their goals in their career and work, they often describe it to me in very vague way. More like dreams rather than goals.

When setting goals we have the  S.M.A.R.T, P.U.R.E and C.L.E.A.R goals.

S.M.A.R.T stands for S- Specific, M- Measurable, A - Attainable, R- Relevant and T-  Time based.

P.U.R.E stands for P - Pure, U- Understood, R - Relevant, E- Ethical.

C.L.E.A.R stands for C- Challenging,  L- Legal, E- Environmentally Sound, A- Agreed, R- Recorded.

The more of these components you can pick off when you set a goal and write that goal down, the more likely you are to achieve it. You have to know clearly in your head what that goal is and how to define it.

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