Sir David Omand, Author of How Spies Think – 10 Lessons in Critical Thinking #338
Explore key insights on intelligence and decision-making from Professor Sir David Omand’s book, focusing on critical thinking and creativity.
Creativity & Team Building Workshop – LUX South Ari Atoll Maldives
Recently I delivered a creativity and team building workshop for Lux Resorts and Hotels in South Ari Atoll in the beautiful Maldives. One of their values as an organisation is ‘creativity’ so the workshop was focused on how to unlock the creative potential of all of their people in order to improve the guest experience. […]
Lessons from Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett has always been a character that has fascinated me, a man that it worth over $30billion yet still lives in the same modest house he bought in 1958 and pays himself less than an MP, a man that counts Bill Gates as a close friend but likes nothing more than a night in […]
The Meaning of Life in 368 Words
What’s the point? This is a question most of us will ask ourselves throughout the course of our lives. While recently pondering this question I wanted to relay to you a distilled version of the thinking of the Stoic philosopher and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, the Buddha and the Auschwitz survivor and author Viktor Frankl […]
Why I Work
I’ve been reading a lot of books and blogs recently about our attitude to work in the West and how it differs to other parts of the World and throughout history. I thought I would reflect on my attitude to work and its place in my life: Work As A Necessary Condition At its most […]