CL208: Designing Creative Workspaces – Interview with Liat Siegel

Liat Siegel is a trailblazing entrepreneur, a fearless mother of 5, and the owner and founder of Hadar Interiors Inc.,. Liat and her team at Hadar Interiors work with businesses to brand their interiors and set themselves apart from the competition. She uses interior design to help her clients create a lasting impression so that their customers come back again and again.
In this episode, we cover:
  • 2:17 - Getting started in interior design
  • 2:59 - Forrester data
  • 4:21 - Shared workspaces
  • 5:40 - Third place for creativity
  • 7:31 - Hotel interior designers
  • 9:21 - Cruise ship designers
  • 11:37 - IKEA design
  • 13:01 - From residential to commercial property design

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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